Built an Intervalometer for my camera to take photos automatically within certain intervals, which can be changed using the buttons and the OLED display.
A wall switch for your room with a touch sensor that can turn on/off 2 lights and an OLED display to show the status of the lights.
Simple command-line tool to recover image(.webp) files.
Simple command-line tool to reverse audio data in .wav files.
Simple command-line tool that check if your credit card is valid/invalid and outputs the service provider if the card is valid.
Simple command-line tool to chack the readability of a text using The Coleman-Liau index.
Simple command-line tool that cross-references the human DNA data from a database and outputs name of the matched person.
Simple command-line tool that check if your credit card is valid/invalid and outputs the service provider if the card is valid.
Simple command-line tool to chack the readability of a text using The Coleman-Liau index.
Contact Me
Feel free to explore and get in touch with me.